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Data never sleeps. Every minute massive amounts of it are being generated from every phone, website and application across the Internet. Sixty seconds seems like an insignificant amount of time, but when you look at it in terms of how much data is created online, there’s a whole lot going on.

New technologies continue to emerge that allow people to create and share information in ways never before possible. These additional forms of sharing are delivering a sense of connectedness, adding new value to people’s lives.

With all our data creation—clicks, likes, tweets, photos, blog posts, online transactions—our digital data tells a compelling story about who we are and what we do. For people and business alike, the key to making these digital actions worthwhile is to ensure they and the data they create continue to improve our lives.

Just how much data is being created and where does it come from?

For that you should check out this infographic from Domo .

Data Never Sleeps Infographics


Tito Philips, Jnr.

Author Tito Philips, Jnr.

I'm a business development and digital marketing consultant. The founder of www.Differentiate.Online and www.UniteNigeria.com I also write thought provoking unusual articles about entrepreneurship and business on www.naijapreneur.com

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